Our 20th Anniversary issue!!! The
Winter issue has Neo-Rockabilly Pioneer Brian Setzer on the cover,
and an interview with Brian about his new Sun Records tribute CD project,
and other topics, and has stories on Early Czech Rock, the Blues
Shacks Festival in Germany, Spain's High Rockabilly Fest, Seattle's
Bumbershoot Arts fest, and Rockabilly Ball (with pictures),
part two of our story on Honky Tonk Pioneer Floyd Tillman, a bit
on our adventures on Munich with Wildfire Willie & The Ramblers plus
Boppin' Steve and the Rockadiles, our usual color photo spreads and of course the extensive review section! The issue is out now! PDF version now available!
Order PDF edition
(any issue #67 - 120 PLUS #26 - #31) by e-mail
only $7.50 anywhere in the world!
For any portable device that reads PDF documents! |