Blue Suede News music
magazine #57 (winter 2001/'02). It features a story about Country music
legend Hank Locklin, who wrote hits like "Send Me The Pillow
You Dream On". He tells some great stories in this interview and there
are several cool vintage photos. His son Hank Adam Locklin is following
in his footsteps. If you like hillbilly and 40s and 50s country, the Zeke
Turner story is very interesting, too. Oklahomabilly describes
a festival in honor of Rockabilly queen Wanda Jackson. She played
with old pal Big Al Downing. There is a story about the Krazy
Kats, a hot Missouri combo that started in the late 50s with cool rockabilly
and is still active today. There is also a story about Rockabilly, Blues
and Country shows in Los Angeles with hot tips where to go and what to see
(Big Sandy, Ray Campi). Rockabilly festival Hemsby #27 is
reviewed, Charlie Gracie and Robert Gordon played it among
others. Whatever happened to Bonnie Guitar it's in here. There
is a cool story about legendary blues harp player Rod Piazza. Also
here is a photo collage of The Rockabilly Ball and other roots music
shows in Seattle, including the Three Bad Jacks and Bill Kirchen
(as part of the Twangbangers).
Click here to order this Issue in PDF form only $7.50 anywhere!
(you can order any issue in pdf here from #57 - #120, plus #26 - #31) Inquire about any other issues - ALL have been digitized! |